Client: Mikel Welch, Interior Designer & Television Personality 

Occasion: “Happy Place” feature for Drew Magazine

Key Garment: J.Crew Heritage Cotton Cable-Knit Sweater

It’s June and knitwear is probably the furthest clothing item from your mind, but it would feel like gatekeeping if I didn’t share a few knitwear buying secrets that were inspired by this fun project with Mikel! 

Mikel Welch Drew Magazine_Wardrobe Fashion Stylist James Bianca NYC

A Nudge Out of Neutrals 

My dear friend is known as the king of neutrals! However, he has recently been dipping his toe into the color pool when it comes to his design work. I’ve followed suit by pushing him to try more color with his wardrobe, but we’re taking baby steps. The base of his classic crew neck sweater is ivory, but the green stripe detail provides a bit more of that “Drew Barrymore” cheer and still lends itself to being versatile to pair with other pieces from his personal wardrobe.  

J.Crew men's sweater available via eBay Fashion

Sold Out J.Crew Heritage Cable-Knit Sweater available via eBay Fashion

Utilize eBay

eBay Fashion is a treasure trove for fashion enthusiasts on a budget. This online marketplace offers a vast selection of clothing items, including knits, at competitive prices. One particular advantage of eBay Fashion is the opportunity to find products that may have recently gone out of stock in traditional retail stores. By exploring eBay's listings, you might stumble upon that trendy knitwear piece you missed out on during the regular shopping season, all at a fraction of the original price.

Buy Off Season

You may be eyeing swimwear, but the best time to buy fall/winter essentials is now. When the weather gets warmer, retailers often discount their winter collections to make space for new inventory. Take advantage of the period between Memorial Day and a few weeks before Labor Day and stock up on wools, tweeds, and cozy cool-weather classics during the off-season. 

Get the Look: 

Sweater | Denim | Loafers

See more outfit alternatives via TapTo.Shop Here
